Thursday 28 November 2013

"You should be arrested for killing my erection!"

Source: MaximBady on Youtube

Comment: I literally choked on my laughter. This guy us so mean but I couldn't stop laughing.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Dish of the day: Chicken Korma

Chicken Kormablack pepper corns, scotch pepper, maggi cubes, low fat natural yogurt, diced chicken breasts, cumin, coriander, chilli powder, turmeric, double cream, plain flour, cloves, caster sugar, cardamom pods

Comment: This is just my version of chicken korma dish, i'm not claiming to be an expert on Asian cuisine. Enoy!

Change the vatican


Comment: I have to say this is a really bold step that pope Francis has made
As a catholic myself, I believe that old traditions need to be eradicated and the catholic church needs to steer away from the love of money and power

Legalise it, and I will advertise it


Comment: So apparently MP Norman Baker who is currently the "crime prevention minister" is suggesting that cannabis should be legalised?
I'm not sure why this is funny, but I wonder what Peter Tosh and Bob Marley will have to say about this.



Comment: This is an interesting article from the writers at Aphroden.
Before now I never knew what those hats were called.
Talk less of what they mean 'scrape'!
Visit the link for more details on this story

Violence Against Women

Source: Daily Sun

Comment: Please say NO to violence against women. Be it emotional, physical or psychological.
Those men beating her up in the video and laughing about it, how were they brought into existence?
Isn't it by means of a woman? Please share to sensitize others.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Poisson braisé (Roasted Fish)

Source: Je wanda magazine

Cameroon fruit market

Source: love-k-meroun

Fruit salad


La vie de famille

Source: C Le Lait on Facebook

Muammar al-Gaddafi

Source: Je wanda magazine

Il n’était peut-être pas noir, mais il était la preuve que l’africanité n’a rien à voir avec la couleur de peau. De la gandoura au boubou en passant par la thoab bédouine, Kadhafi portait chaque fois qu’il le pouvait, son amour pour l’Afrique


Ndolé, plantains, miondo

Source: ammafricaworld

Yummy pasta


Kiwi and watermelon sucette


Beautiful sunset on river Niger


Fake beggars


Till death do us part

Friday 22 November 2013



Amazing view

Source: Unknown

Climbing the executive ladder

Source: Variety

Baby Oil

Djombé Cameroon





Corruption (Oga police oh)