Monday 24 February 2014

I Love Mondays

Breakfast: Almond croissant, Cinnamon roll, Orange juice, Strawberry, Onken yoghurt

So I'm back with my blog. Had a lovely Christmas vacation and since then I've been too lazy to get back to my blog. Rest assured there are lots more recipes to come up in the weeks ahead.

So before I started working I always wondered why people hated Mondays. I was quite keen to find out if I would feel the same but funny enough, I actually love Mondays. The rare occasions where I've been grumpy on a Monday happened when I had a really bad weekend or when I felt a bit ill.

Today I'm happy to be back at work, weekend was lovely. Had a lovely breakfast pictured above. Also tried something new: Strawberries and white wine! This was awesome, it tasted divine. It's like my taste buds were having a revelation!

My worst day of the week is actually Wednesday! Yeah I know, a bit weird. But usually on Monday and Tuesday I'm pumped up and full of weekend energy but by Wednesday I run out of steam and I'm already looking forward to the next weekend.

Go try strawberries and white wine. Hope you enjoy it like I did!